Contact Us | Sport Court WI

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Call or Message C&C Courts Today!

Start building your dream court today! Fill out our contact form to have any of your questions answered, or reach out directly to any of our representatives listed below!

Sport Court of Madison & Milwaukee Office Address: 1833 Executive DR. Suite 101B Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Sport Court of EauClaire/Wausau/Green Bay Office Address: 8325 Highland DR Wausau, WI 54401

SE Wisconsin: Alec Hartsuiker | | 414-856-5690

Madison & SW Wisconsin: Ken Grall | | 608-332-0382

Wausau/Eau Claire: Jordan Strasser | | 715-848-HOOP (4667)

Green Bay: Jordan Strasser | | 715-848-HOOP (4667)

LaCrosse, WI Area: Adam Carignan | | 612-968-4302


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